Morning Routines

As a part of my morning routine, I read and pray through a daily email that I get from Scripture Union called Encounter with God. I’m grateful that this daily regimen does not need to be broken with our move to Centro America.

Here is part of what this morning’s email challenged me with:
Our identification with Jesus means death to self-centered pretensions and a joyful acceptance of his purpose. It is the only way to life, the only door to salvation, for “whoever loses his life for me will save it” (24). Today we cannot escape the call to committed discipleship. What aspects of your life may need to be laid down to fulfill God’s call?

Encounter with God does not toss up softball questions, they send hardcore motivators to my email box . I don’t always enjoy these morning challenges, because I often don’t have a good answer. I am thankful for them, nonetheless.



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