Oreos or Chiky Cookies?

The other day, Todd and I were walking around Antigua. The streets are uneven cobblestone, everyone speaks Spanish, there are all kinds of people: many poor, some well dressed, some who approached me in the streets wanting me to buy their goods. I passed one store with unrefrigerated slabs of meat hanging from the ceiling. There are no street signs, no street lights and cars do not stop for pedestrians. There was nothing I could see that made me think of home.

I told Todd, if I were here to visit I would say, “It is an interesting place to visit, but I don’t think I could live here.” But guess what, I do live here.

I’ve been thinking A LOT the last few days and I have come to this conclusion: If I look at my Guatemalan house, the view, the yard, the people, the streets, the food, etc… I can be very satisfied. If I compare it to where I lived in the States, which I must remind myself was my home for many years, I am not satisfied.

Why do Oreos have to be expensive? Why do women with children have to beg?
And then the questions get bigger: Why would God call me to live here and let my friends stay in Northern Va.? Why do more churches not feel called to minister to the poor? Why are there so few schools here that kids can only go to school 1/2 day with another group going the other half? Why do they have no textbooks when Loudoun County has 2 sets for every kid? Why does Coke Lite taste different than Diet Coke?

In one week, the biggest thing I am learning is to keep my eyes on where God has me, not where he HAD me. I’m learning to enjoy the Guatemalan things in front of me and not think about the Northern Virginia things behind me.

What is God calling you to be satisfied with? Your current house? Job? Spouse?

My prayer for my own life is Philippians 4:11-13 “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Just as a side note, In Virginia I slept in a queen sized bed, here I have a king.
In Virginia, I had a tiny bathtub, here I have a jacuzzi bath tub.
In Virginia, I wanted to learn to speak Spanish, here I am.
In Virginia, I had a not so great view out my bedroom window, here I see a volcano and landscape that can take my breath away.
In Virginia, I wanted to have to rely more on Jesus for the day to day, here I can’t get out of bed with out Him.



3 thoughts on “Oreos or Chiky Cookies?

  1. Oh, please keep blogging. This definitely moved me to tears. I love reading about your adventure and seeing your family living out this great story. Love you.

  2. Maureen — you will be teaching us in NVA through your wise words. Dear friend, you are missed back at your other “home.” And for the record, YOUR column on decluttering is really hitting home with the editors.

  3. Hey Maureen!
    I was in line at Subway behind a man at with Chiky cookies in his grocery bag. Thought of you and smiled! I also wondered if he thought Oreos were gross and the Chiky cookies were overpriced!
    Miss you!

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