Playland Pastors’ Meeting

Today, I got to be a part of a pastors’ meeting in a Burger King playland complete with picnic tables decked out in primary colors. There are three things that I learned from my playland time:

1. Pastors do not need offices lined with theological volumes and leather back chairs in order to have a meeting together. They can meet to worship, pray and plan in a space designed for preschoolers. They could probably also meet in a hair salon, on a construction site or at a nursing home. And after today’s playful meeting spot, I wouldn’t be surprised by any of these choices.

2. The “Only 70% of our Communication is Verbal” stat rings true. And since this meeting was 100% in Spanish, I only participated and understood about a third of it. In that 30%, I recognized passion, conviction and a well thought-through meeting strategy.

3. And finally, I realized that it is impossible to fully engage, wholly participate and verbally contribute to a meeting in which you do not understand the language. Mo and I start language school on Monday and I can’t wait to go back to this Playland gathering in about a year or so!



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