Praying our way to August 30th, II

And here is what we are praying through the middle of the month:

August 11: Please lift up Forrest, Carol, Dennis, Chochy, Dan, Donna, Juan and all the rest of the Servants for Him team currently working in Guatemala.

August 12: Pray for Young Life Guatemala (Vida Joven), a ministry that ministers to kids in Guatemala City.

August 13: Please pray for our health, that we would be protected from the many illnesses that we could be exposed to, also that Maureen’s lymphedema would be under control.

August 14: Please pray for discernment for us as we meet new doctors and learn which pharmacies dispense quality medication. Pray also that we can easily obtain the medication we need while in Guatemala.

August 15: Pray for the Guatemalan government, that God would give wisdom and integrity to those who run the country and those who work for them.

August 16: Pray for the complicated paperwork process we will wade through to become residents of Guatemala.

August 17: Please pray for those people in Guatemala who have very little, that they would teach us how to be content, and that God would supply all their needs.

August 18: Please lift up the International Justice Mission and their work in Guatemala, bringing those guilty of sex crimes to justice. Pray also for the victims left to heal.

August 19: Pray for God to use Todd specifically and mightily as he serves with Servants for Him.

August 20: Please ask God to prepare people’s hearts for Jesus both here and in Guatemala.

Again, thanks for praying. Your prayers help form the foundation of our ministry.


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