Praying our way to August 30th, I

We are praying our way through August and would love to have you join us. Mo has put together a great list and here is what we are praying for the first third of the month:

August 1: Praise God for the housing He has provided for us in Antigua.

August 2: Please pray for the ministry that will take place in Guatemala, both formally and informally. Acts 1:8

August 3: Please lift up the kids’ adjustment, specifically that they would make friends and quickly learn Spanish.

August 4: As silly as it seems, please pray that we would adjust to the changes in food; that we would find new favorites and be able to still find some of our current favorite foods. Keep us from eating anything that would make us too sick.

August 5: Ask God to direct our finances—all money is God’s and he has trusted us with great supporters. Give us enough to meet our needs and help us to be good stewards with what we have.

August 6: Pray for Destiny Church, our sending church, as they open the new campus in Winchester, Va.

August 7: Please ask God to provide safety … that we would be wise in where we go and what we do, but that no matter what happens, we’d know that God our Father is always with us.

August 8: Please pray that God continues to prepare our hearts for all he has for us in Guatemala. Pray that God would break our hearts with the things that break His heart and that we would have His eyes.

August 9: Please pray for Todd and I as we attend many months of intense language school. “Give us your favor as we study that we can learn the language well and quickly.”

August 10: Please pray for our health insurance needs as we move to a group policy with S4H. We need to quickly find something that will cover us in both Guatemala and the United States.

Thanks for praying on our behalf, it makes all the difference.


1 thought on “Praying our way to August 30th, I

  1. What a joy to pray for all our Father God has in store for you. May your broken hearts be mighty hearts that help transform that nation. And our own. Amen.

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