A Calculated Risk

On Tuesday of this week, Clay and I came back from our mission trip to Guatemala. We were with a team from Destiny Church and Clay was the youngest on that team. Both Maureen and I felt like being a part of a trip like this one could really be an opportunity for Clay to get some vision from God regarding our move to Guatemala.

This was a calculated risk. In the far recesses of my mind was the notion that he may hate the trip, be sick the whole time and not want to come back 33 days later. This was certainly a possibility but God was very gracious to us and Clay and I had an incredible week being stretched physically, emotionally and spiritually. I so appreciate the folks on the team who treated Clay like a little brother (in a good way) and am thankful that God often “does exceedingly and abundantly above what we can ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)



1 thought on “A Calculated Risk

  1. When Mo asked Clay about his trip, he replied by saying “I would have loved to stay there and the only reason I came back was to say goodbye to my friends.”

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