Build a Fire

addtext_com_MTAxMjE0Mzk4NjA (1)As a ninth grader, I enjoyed reading Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”. As a matter of survival in the winter wilderness, it was essential for his main character to build a fire. This elusive fire promised protection, warmth, and the ability to cook.

A few decades later, I live in Guatemala, eleven miles away from an active volcano named Fuego (Fire). She is awesome to watch. In fact, we’ve been known to try to drive closer to her base just to catch a better look at her powerful beauty.

Now, just two weeks ago, in the safety of my living room, Clay led us and the visiting Christ Community Church team in the Jesus Culture song, “Set a Fire”. It may be that I am missing my son who is now living in Seattle, or it may be that God is trying to catch my attention, but since that evening the chorus of this simple song has stuck with me.

Build a fire down in my soul
That I can’t contain
And I can’t control
I want more of you, God.

This spiritual fire is essential to our survival in ministry here in Central America. It promises direction, comfort and the abiilty to serve. This fire down in (our) souls is powerful and worthy of our not only seeking it out, but fanning it as well. Like the lava flowing down the side of Volcán Fuego, it cannot be contained and it cannot be controlled. I want more of that, don’t you?

My prayer for us, for our Redeemer’s House team serving both here and in the US, for our Guatemalan friends struggling in poverty and for you, our support team is that God would indeed build a fire in our souls and that we would have more of Him in our daily lives (see John 3:30).

Would you take a moment to listen to this song and make it your prayer today? Click HERE for the YouTube link of this song. Enjoy.

Thanks for reading this and for allowing me to share. I appreciate you and your support of not only our ministry but of us as a family.



(This post was taken directly from our July newsletter. If you’d like to be included in our mailing list, let us know in the comments below.)


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