
At first glance today's Photo of the Week may look like a group of gringos working hard in the Highlands of Guatemala. And that may be true, but it is so much more. This is the beginning of the Casa del Redentor Feeding Center in the Mayan village of Patzatzun. Even without the building, 60-80 kids come out to get a nutritionally balanced lunch twice a week. However, with a building, they will also learn Spanish, good hygiene, and truth from the Scriptures.

At first glance today’s Photo of the Week may look like a group of gringos working hard in the Highlands of Guatemala. That may be true, but this pic represents so much more. This is the beginning of the Casa del Redentor Feeding Center in the Mayan village of Patzatzun. Even without the building, 60-80 kids come out to get a nutritionally balanced lunch twice a week. However, with a building, they will also learn Spanish, good hygiene, and experience the truth of the Scriptures in a place where they can feel cared for and safe.


The first POTW is the before shot, this one is the after shot. I’ll keep you posted on the continued progress!

PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.


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