Spread Out

Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 9.28.31 AMIf you read our June Mission Erickson newsletter, you know that Clay is currently living and working in Seattle. He’s the red pin in the top left.

You may, however, not know that this month Emily is serving at Young Life’s Rockbridge near Lexington Virginia. She’s the red pin on the right side of the US.

In the meantime down here in Central America, Maureen and I are staying home in Antigua while Katey explores some post-college mission opportunities at El Faro on the Caribbean coast of Guatemala.

Will you pray for all five of us, for our walks with Jesus, our ministries and for our internet to work consistently so that we can keep connected! Thanks.

(This post was taken directly from our July newsletter. If you’d like to be included in our mailing list, let us know in the comments below.)


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