Leaving on a jet plane…

As of today, we have 89.7% of our support pledged, we have installed Rosetta Stone on the laptop, and we have bought 5 tickets from IAD to GUA. We depart early the morning of August 30th!

We still need to secure good international health insurance, sell our house and Honda Pilot, and pack all of our stuff into 10 foot lockers. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare physically, emotionally and spiritually for this big move. It is encouraging for us to know that you stand with us. Thanks.


2 thoughts on “Leaving on a jet plane…

  1. Praying for you guys! We are friends of the Kendalls and eager to meet you when you arrive. I am watching your video and 1:24 into it, i started getting all teary-eyed, reminding me how it was for us 4.5 yrs ago! Plus I am prego/hormonal etc LOL! Ok back to the video. Praying for you!!! Jackie Davis and Family (husband Levi, Kids: Lydia, Levi II, and Lily, and one due in Jan 2011).

  2. Maureen and Family,

    You all are in our prayers as you travel to Guatemala and for your mission work there. The time went fast. It is so hard to believe that we are in August and the date for your trip has arrived. Well we are gearing up for the start of the new school year at County Christian School and will miss you this year.

    Good luck on your trip.

    The Greenhow Family (Greg, Charlene, Devin and Darian).

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