“Under Rowers”

In mid May, Maureen and I got to hear Chuck Swindoll speak about servant leadership. He explained that in I Corinthians 3:22-4:1, the term rendered “servant” is literally tranlated as “under rower”. Servants help the boat to go, to get somewhere. Jesus modeled this kind of servant leadership and Swindoll describes our Lord’s life this way: “Jesus’ ministry was to give, to serve, to die, that’s it.”

In Guatemala we get to serve with the Servants 4 Him team. “Servant” is in our name, you can’t miss it. So my prayer is that we act as “under rowers” as we serve both the S4H team as well as the people of Guatemala.

Swindoll closed his talk with the simple admonition that you can serve well when you “know who you are, accept who you are and be who you are.” Here’s to knowing, accepting and being.


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