Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Storms, Oh My!

Earthquake tremors shook Guatemala earlier this Spring, Volcan Pacaya, just south of Guatemala City, spewed out ash last week, and yesterday Tropical Storm Agatha touched inland creating treacherous mudslides and sinkholes in this beautiful country.

These incredible happenings should raise some red flags for anyone, like Mo and I, who are planning on moving their family to Guatemala in August. Believe me, the flags are raised, but we also get excited to serve in the midst of this uncertainty. You see, “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” (II Timothy 1:7).

In commenting on this latest storm, Servants 4 Him’s own Forrest Kendall posted “We need to make ourselves available to help where and how we can!” Forrest, we can’t wait to get down there and be a part of that work with you.


4 thoughts on “Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Storms, Oh My!

  1. Hi Todd,
    Wow…you are “wild at heart” bro. I was down visiting my dad and when I went to church I ran into a pastor at Leesburg Community Church (baptist) named Dan. When I mentioned YL – he said he knew you from Destiny. Sounds like you have an exciting NEW chapter in you and your families life. I will talk to Steph and we will see if we can help. Keep passionately following Jesus!

  2. Thanks Matt, we are excited about this next new step! We’ll keep you posted here.

  3. Hey there! I just wanted to thank you for the updates AND for keeping them short, sweet, and easy to read. They help me pray specifically for your needs. 🙂

    Praying that you’ll be SAFE and that you’ll be a blessing to those that suffer from such natural disasters.

    Happy June!

  4. Michelle-

    We are so grateful for your prayers. Thanks.

    Here are three specific prayer requests for you: the quick sale of our house that went on the market this week–acceptance for international medical insurance which is more complicated than I realized–and for healthy transitions from school and church to Servants 4 Him.

    Again, thanks for praying.

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