Todd’s 3 Hits and 3 Misses

Moving one’s family to Guatemala can be misconstrued as being overly spiritual.

So, in the interest of full disclosure, you need to know that there are more than a few simple pleasures that I am looking forward to, here are three:
1. Year round “Spring”.
2. Volcano views right outside our windows.
3. And a slower pace of life.

On the other side of that coin, their are some basic sacrifices that come along with living in Guatemala. Here are the top three that I will miss or have to really search for:
1. Dr. Pepper.
2. Krispy Kreme.
3. And the game of lacrosse.


2 thoughts on “Todd’s 3 Hits and 3 Misses

  1. Maybe part of your mission should be to bring the game of lacrosse to Guatemala! The Native American’s used to use it to solve disputes…

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