Third Culture Kids

When we move to Guatemala in August, we move as a family, as a team. All three of our kids will soon become Third Culture Kids, and unless you grew up internationally this might be a new term for you (it was for us).

The term “Third Culture Kid” was coined by Ruth Hill Useem in the early 1960s. She and her husband studied children who grew up in two or more cultures, including their own children, and termed them simply “third culture kids”. Their idea was that children from one culture who live in another culture become part of a “third culture” that is more than simply a blend of home and host cultures.

Because of their age differences, each of our kids will be impacted differently by our move. Katey will head back to the States for college in a few years, Clay will spend his high school years in Guatemala and Emily will be there as she enters into middle school. Our three kids will not be alone in their experiences. “The TCK experience is a microcosm of what is fast becoming normal throughout the world. Few communities anywhere will remain culturally homogeneous in this age of easy international travel and instant global communication (p. 5).”

As with most areas of parenting, we don’t know exactly what to expect but are entering into these new stages with prayer and asking for wisdom. Please join us as we ask God use this Third Culture experience to broaden our kids’ vision for what He has for them.


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