Bringing tears to my eyes…

Yesterday I got a note from a dear friend and I’d like to share part of it with you.

“Hey Ericksons!! Greetings from Alaska!! Sounds like you are beginning a great adventure too and I am thrilled to be able to help in this small way. You see I got my tax refund in the mail today and had enough to make an even $200 to contribute and assist you. Even though I was looking forward to having a little extra, I am even more looking forward to sending it in your direction instead.”

As I read this, I began to tear up and was reminded that God is the one moving hearts and that He is the one developing our support team. Later in her note, this dear friend called her gift “meager”. I cannot disagree more, there is nothing “meager” about following God’s nudges in our lives. Thanks to each of you who are responding to our need for support and making our new mission in Guatemala possible. Every “meager” gift counts!


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