
Back in February I spent a week in Haiti and that proved to be a life experience that I just can’t shake. In the midst of devastation throughout Port au Prince, I met kids like Judy whose smile was infectious. Children always seem to find joy in the midst of despair.
I also got to connect with Moises and a group of folks who reach out to the children living in the tent cities of Haiti. This ministry, PG, serves children like Judy and introduces them to the God of the Universe. Earlier this month, the Kid MInistries of my home church in Leesburg (Destiny’s ImagiNation and Fusion 4t5) raised about two thousand dollars for the PG ministry. So, we’ve worked it out so that I get to go back to Haiti to be with them and when I arrive I’ll have a new laptop, video projector and sound system that I get to give to this dynamic ministry. This might be one of the best delivery jobs available! UPS and Fedex has got nothing on Mission Erickson.


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