
When Maureen and I were newly married our world view was extremely small. It barely extended out of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

That is not the case for many of our young(er) friends here in Antigua. Our town is filled with people who have ventured to Guatemala to make a difference in their world. Why did Mo and I not think that way 20 years ago? I’m not sure, but it probably had something to do with the lure of suburban Virginia living and the strong pull to remain in our comfort zones.

Now, meet our friends: Kelley and Gregg Brown. The Browns both had good jobs in Seattle, but decided to invest a year into the ministry of Mano con Mano. These two left their friends, their home, their familiar surroundings, and their security and instead exchanged them for relationships in the village of Yalu, a small rented apartment, new (sometimes strange) experiences, and a year in one of the most dangerous countries in Central America.

They saved their money so that they could invest their time, and spend their emotional energy here in Guatemala for about a year. These two are examples for us (and for you). They heard from God and responded. They ignored the advice to solely focus on their marriage and instead chose to reach out to a hurting world. They exited the rat race so that they could make a difference.

Kelley and Gregg Brown are our heroes. If you’d like to follow their transition back to the States, which sadly begins this Wednesday, then check out their blog.

It has often been said that the best days of ministry in the church lay in front of her. That will specifically be true of missions as long as folks like the Browns keep listening for God’s call and then chasing after it.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” I Timothy 4:12


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