
During the summer of 1988, Mo and I helped lead a team of students on a trip to Guatemala. It was our first time here and obviously was not our last.

It was also not the last trip for our friend Cody who has since “grown up” and adopted from here as well as led numerous trips as part of his job as a youth pastor. (Cody is the tall one in the pic.)

Last week, we were blessed to hang out with Cody. In our living room. In Guatemala. In many ways, his life was changed by those 10 days in the late 80’s. His tender heart was molded when he stepped foot on Guatemalan soil. As we enjoyed cold limonadas together, he reminded us of details of our trip that we had long since forgotten and told us that he still has his journal from that week. Cody was one of the younger students on that trip and God had a plan in place for his life even then.

The principle is this: When we step out of our comfort zones, God speaks. 23 years ago He did that with our friend Cody and He could do that with you as well.

As one of our Servants 4 Him missionaries always says: “Come to Guatemala, it could change your life.”


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