
This week when our friend Jesse arrived in Guatemala with his family, they had three or four pieces of luggage as well as four carry-on bags. As with all of our visitors, we met them at the airport and helped them with their bags. There was one particular bag that we needed to be extra careful with…

One of their bags contained an X-Box Kinect. What an incredible surprise! A group of our friends from Virginia got together and purchased this uber-cool interactive game for us….and it has been a real blessing.

Our kids love it. Mo and I love it. But the best is that when kids from our nearby villages stop by to visit, they love it, too.

Selfishly, we are excited because for the first time in our lives, we have the “latest” in gaming technology. We know this is short-lived, but give us this one moment at least. From a philanthropic perspective, we’re thrilled because this technology continues to establish us as the house to visit when you are in Antigua.

So bring on our kids’ missionary friends, our friends from the nearby villages and the random folks in their 20’s who are “finding themselves” in Antigua, Guatemala. The door is always open.*

*Open only figuratively of course. In actuality our door is always locked tight…I mean who would leave their door wide open in one of the most dangerous countries in Central America?


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