Who are you?

By the time you get to my age you’ve taken more than a few tests.

And I’m not talking Algebra, Geology or Spanish tests, I’m talking personality tests. You have probably taken one through your job or ministry or you may have simply taken one in the back of Cosmo magazine.

Either way, you already know if you are an ESTJ or an INFP. You most likely have a handle as to whether you are left or right-brained. And some of you even know that you are more of a golden retriever than a dolphin. But, do you know what kind of a donor you are?

The good people at People Raising tell me that their are five different types of donors:

1. Starters.  These are people who like to start a project. They catch the vision quickly and want to be with you from the beginning.

2. Finishers.  Those who like the satisfaction of knowing that their gift pushed you over the top.

3. Project-Oriented.  Those who don’t get much satisfaction from giving a gift to pay the utilities, rent, and so on. They are turned on by special projects.

4. Impulsive.  Those who, when presented with an urgent challenge or need, respond quickly and gladly.

5. Programmed.  These donors figure out their giving for the year on January 1.

We’ve got all 5 types of donors on the Mission Erickson team and we are thankful for each and every one of them.  We appreciate those who have been with us since we decided to follow this crazy calling.  We are grateful for those who give a little bit more to help us meet our goals.  We could not get by without those who help to fund a widow’s house, stove, or scholarship project.  We love those who just give generously on a proverbial whim or in response to an immediate need.  And we count on those who give consistently and on a regular basis.

They (you) all give financially so that we can continue to represent Jesus as we serve among the poor in the villages of Guatemala.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “We could not be here without you, THANKS!”

So, what kind of donor are you?


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