
Internet etiquette suggests that you politely welcome 17 year old Katey as our guest blogger even if she is about to slap you upside the head with the 2 x 4 of conviction…

Today’s culture tells us that we need the new this or the new that to be happy. But I can tell you and show you that that is not true.

Meet Cesar. At the time that this picture was taken he was sleeping in a bath tub every night. He didn’t have a bed yet he was so happy. He always has the biggest smile on his face, I have never seen him without it. He doesn’t need a bed to be happy.

These kids play soccer on ash and dirt fields almost every day. They love soccer and they always have smiles on their faces while playing. They don’t need a regulation size turf field to be happy playing a game they love.

Meet Elsa. She is the most adorable, love-able, and happy little girl! She usually wears the same clothes every day but she is still happy. She doesn’t need designer clothes or even new clothes to be happy.

These are one of her few pairs of shoes. She doesn’t need designer shoes or shoes to match every outfit to be happy.

Meet her family, the Lopez family. They just got a new stove that won’t flood their kitchen with smoke every time they cook and that uses less wood. They are so happy to have received it. They were even happy before they received it. They don’t need a new Kenmore stove to be happy.

This kid is making a kite out of plastic bags. He was so excited to show it to me. He doesn’t need a crazy expensive elaborate kite to be happy.

Meet Pastor Ephraim and his daughter Renita. They don’t have much but they give a lot. Their house is always open and every time we visit them or they visit us they have gifts for us. They are so happy and generous.

Now meet me, Katey. I am learning how to be happy without all the things the world tells me that I need to be happy. And there are so many people around me that show me that I don’t need things to be happy.

You know what all these people have in common…they love the Lord. He gives them happiness in all their situations and no matter how much or how little they own. And through the Lord these people have learned to not care about their things on earth.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. -Matthew 6:19-20

We need to learn to stop listening to the world and start listening to God. We don’t need the newest, coolest things to be happy; all we need is God!

So where is your happiness? Is it in the things you have on earth or is it in God?

-Katey 🙂


4 thoughts on “:)

  1. Hi Katey, great work, thank you for reminding us what is important to be happy. You are blessed to learn at your age after growing up with many things. We keep you in our prayers and hope it is easy for you to continue on your path. Hello to your family!!
    Love, Dory

  2. Thanks so much, Katey! I needed that. Great message along with the pictures. As part of the Destiny Team, are all anxious to meet some of those contented, smiling faces in June.

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