Santa has never had this problem…

He always has plenty of Frequent Flyer Miles!

As the popularity of business travel grows, so grows the likelihood of you reading this blogpost while sitting on a plane. My hope is that as you read this you are amassing even more frequent flyer miles. Who would have thought that the miles you log while reading Sky Mall could go to such a good cause?!

When Christmas comes around this year (Yes, I am aware that it is only March!), my family and I are hoping to head back to Virginia to spend time with family and friends as well as reconnect with many of our support team. We will have been serving in Guatemala for 16 months and will certainly be ready for a trip back home. As you well know, the price of airline tickets is “taking off” and therefore we are in danger of getting priced out of a trip home. Right now the airline tickets for a family of 5 tops $3,000.

If you happen to have frequent flyer miles with Delta, American or Continental and they are burning the proverbial hole in your pocket, would you prayerfully consider transferring them to us so that we can make this holiday trip back home more affordable? Email me at if you can help!

Thanks so much for considering this and even if you don’t have the miles to give, please pray for God’s provision for this very specific need.

Todd, Mo, Katey, Clay and Emily all appreciate you being a part of our support team!


1 thought on “Santa has never had this problem…

  1. We’ve changed it up a little bit. We are now heading home in September and are flying with American. We’d love to see you while we are there…

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