Eres Todo Poderoso

Every once in a while a song comes along that captures a time in your life. “Stray Cat Strut” may fit the bill for my high school years while “Burning Down the House” by Talking Heads brings back college memories. Covers of “Brown Eyed Girl” by Van Morrison covers my years with Young Life and Jack Johnson’s “Better Together” is one that I link to my time in Leesburg.

I must be getting more spiritual because while none of the above listed songs is worshipful, the song that seems to have linked itself to me here in Guatemala is “Eres Todo Poderoso” by Rojo. I hardly knew Spanish the first time I heard this tune but the truth in the words caught me. The chorus exclaims:

Tu eres todo poderoso (You are all powerful)
eres grande y majestuoso (are great and majestic)
eres fuerte, invensible (are strong, invincible)
y no hay nadie como tu (and there is no one like You)

This is a great song to run to. It’s made me cry in worship. I’ve played it on repeat on iTunes numerous times. And even though I’m not fully confident of my understanding of all of the Spanish, it is the song that God is using to capture me right here, right now.

In this first seven months in Guatemala I’ve been caught in a whirlwind. However, in the midst of this is a God who is todo poderoso, grande, majestuoso, fuerte, and invincible. There is no one like Him.



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