Sweet Spot

Maureen is fully in her element when she is teaching. She is creative. Energetic. Patient. And dare I say, complete, when she is teaching.

This is not a new revelation for us, just a reminder of how, when each of us use our God-given gifts, we get to operate in our sweet spot. We get to do what we have been designed to do.

Teaching, for Maureen, is a joy. It takes a lot of hard work to prepare, but when she is on, her students get to enjoy just what God has for them (through Maureen) and she gets to operate within her giftedness.

After all Paul encourages Maureen’s specific gift in his letter to the Romans:

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

If your gift is… teaching, then teach…

Yesterday, in Santiago Zamora, Maureen gathered with 5 kids around a broken table with cinderblock bench and helped them with everything from English to mathematics. She was in her sweet spot and this family benefited from the gift that God has given Maureen.

At the end of our time with this precious family, we stopped to pray and thank God for our time together. And now, I’d like to thank God for the opportunity to see my wife serve in a way that brings a blessing to others and joy to her heart.

This family has been blessed.

Maureen is being blessed.

And I get to be blessed just by sitting here in the cheap seats…


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