So, You Had a Bad Day

What constitutes a bad day in your world? No coffee? A foiled snow day? A sick toddler?

For me, here in Guatemala, it is usually something like running out of milk and knowing I can’t get the kind I like for days, the internet going in and out, or maybe firecrackers at midnight when I am really tired.

Well, we know a dear older man who is always smiling. He works as a guard at our gate and he serves us faithfully. If he sees me in the market, he waves and smiles like he’s seeing a friend. He lives right outside of Antigua in a tin “house” with no water. This is the amazing view from his house:

The other day he had a bad day. Apparently, the town was cutting down a tree and it fell on his house!! Here is the current state of his house:

Here is his kitchen:

and here is his bedroom:

OK, so here is the problem, the municipality says they are going to fix it, but how long does he wait to see if that is true? We could build him a new house. We could even use cinder block, but we can’t verify if he owns the property. If he doesn’t own it, then as soon as it is built the landlord may decide to take it. That would leave our friend homeless. So, please pray with us as we decide how and when to move forward.

The interesting thing is that many people in all of our lives have houses that are crashing down. Maybe not on the outside, but on the inside. The exterior may look beautiful, but their marriage, finances, or hearts may be collapsing.

Pray that God shows you who in your life is having a bad day and I’ll pray with you that you too, will know how and when to move forward.


1 thought on “So, You Had a Bad Day

  1. great analogy…the visible collapses are quickly addressed, its what’s hidden that often takes more time.

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