Our Super Hero

Tonight, after our friends left, we searched high and low for our cat, Casper. She’s a little like a dog who comes when we call her, but she was nowhere to be found. Even though Todd told me he checked the balcony, I went out there just one more time. And that’s when I heard it. A faint meow.

Turns out Casper was stuck in a tree behind our house in a gated lot. So at 11:00 at night Todd climbed the fence, had the kids help pass him a ladder, climbed two stories with the ladder insecurely against the tree, to save our cat.

If we are willing to do that for a cat, what are we willing to do for the hurting and lonely people around us?

That is the question I am pondering as I go to sleep tonight, with my cat sound asleep on my bed.


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