Photo of the Week

Jeff, Kurt and I at our front row seats at Fenway Park in Boston.

This month we are enjoying time with family, friends and our support team back in Virginia. Our schedule is packed with only a few days free in the entire month. This week, I was able to use my free day to travel to Boston with my brothers and enjoy a game from front row seats. (The bottom of the AL East Red Sox beat the Yankees with a walk off hit to end the game.)

Yep, we’re blessed more than we deserve.

One of the best seats I’ve ever had to a sporting event…


Photo of the Week

Melinda Evans arriving at IAD from the ATL.

The bond that is forged with friends on the mission field is strong. When you’ve served in the “trenches” alongside close friends, the shared experiences and emotional bonds are unmatched.

That is why Maureen and Melinda’s faces cannot hide the unfettered joy that they felt right there near baggage claim #6 in Dulles International Airport this week.

I always knew there was a reason that Jesus sent the disciples out to do ministry in twos. We are designed to work and serve together and the depth of our international friendships puts flesh on this valuable ministry principle.

If you think about it, please pray for Melinda’s family as they prepare for their third international adoption which will be quickly followed by their establishing a new ministry with Food for the Hungry in the Dominican Republic this Fall.
