World Racers

If you are over 21 (or about to be), and are looking for a way to stretch your faith and expand your world, you may want to take a look at this.

This weekend the Servants 4 Him team got to spend some time with Team Pneuma of the World Race. This is a group of 7 people who are on an adventure traveling to 11 countries in 11 months. They raise their own money, live out of a backpack, survive on a limited budget and serve missionaries and ministries throughout the world. They are living and serving in community together and Guatemala is their first of 11 stops.

As we shared an afternoon together I was reminded
-of the importance of community,
-that the Kingdom of God continues to expand,
-that God calls us to do things that are way outside of our comfort zones,
-and although all of our stories are different, God is right smack in the center of all of them.

Today, I’m thankful for a glimpse into the lives of 7 people that God is simultaneously molding and using. I know there is hope for all of us who need a little more molding and are willing to be used.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you (and me), will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6



Playland Pastors’ Meeting

Today, I got to be a part of a pastors’ meeting in a Burger King playland complete with picnic tables decked out in primary colors. There are three things that I learned from my playland time:

1. Pastors do not need offices lined with theological volumes and leather back chairs in order to have a meeting together. They can meet to worship, pray and plan in a space designed for preschoolers. They could probably also meet in a hair salon, on a construction site or at a nursing home. And after today’s playful meeting spot, I wouldn’t be surprised by any of these choices.

2. The “Only 70% of our Communication is Verbal” stat rings true. And since this meeting was 100% in Spanish, I only participated and understood about a third of it. In that 30%, I recognized passion, conviction and a well thought-through meeting strategy.

3. And finally, I realized that it is impossible to fully engage, wholly participate and verbally contribute to a meeting in which you do not understand the language. Mo and I start language school on Monday and I can’t wait to go back to this Playland gathering in about a year or so!



Mo’s 3 Hits and 3 Misses

Maureen finishes out Hit and Miss week here at

At our new home in Antigua, Guatemala, she is looking forward to:
1. Learning Spanish.
2. Slowing down the pace of life.
3. And meeting new people.

When we move at the end of the summer, Maureen is sure she will miss:
1. Dear friends here.
2. American “style” restaurants.
3. And our DVR.


Cause and Effect

The theory proposed In the classic film “It’s a Wonderful Life” is that every time an angel gets it’s wings, a bell rings. I don’t recall that being validated in my Angelology class in seminary, but I do want to advocate another cause and effect relationship.

Every time someone signs on to be a part of Mission Erickson and support our new work in Guatemala, we are encouraged. You can sign up to pray, to give, to read our blog or to follow us on Twitter, it doesn’t matter how you sign on, it is an encouragement to us when you do. Paul’s words to the Philippians capture our feelings well: “…I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” Thanks.
