
On Monday, our new daily view will look something like this. Volcan Fuego is on the left and Volcan Agua is on the right.

Fuego was spewing out dark black smoke yesterday and we like to think that she is excited about our arrival. The reality is, however, that it doesn’t matter much that we are moving to Guatemala, what matters is who we represent when we arrive. The rocks won’t cry out for us but this dialogue in Luke 19 gives us a picture of how God’s creation will respond to Him in the absence of our praise…

When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

Don’t allow the stones to take your place today.



1 thought on “Fuego!

  1. Blessings to you as you come close to your transition to Guatemala. I look forward to getting to know you and your family! Blessings!

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