Praying our way to August 30th, III

Thanks for finishing out the month of August in prayer with us:

August 21: Please pray for those in Guatemala that are continually impacted by earthquakes, volcanoes, mudslides, and hurricanes (and random sinkholes!)

August 22: Pray for the Church in Guatemala to reach people with the message of Jesus. Help us find a local church in Guatemala that we can call home.

August 23: Lift up Central American Mission (CAM) and Wycliff Bible Translators and their work in Guatemala.

August 24: Pray for our family and friends back here in the states, that they would continue to lift us up in prayer even after we are gone and that these relationships would remain strong.

August 25: Please pray that we would make new friends in Guatemala and that those new friendships would limit our homesickness.

August 26: Please pray for our family of five: our hearts’ desire is that this experience would draw us closer to Jesus and to one another.

August 27: Pray for the teams that will be coming down this next year to work with us in Guatemala.

August 28: Please pray for Maureen, her adjustment to a whole new life, a new school year without going back to the classroom, and to overcome any depression or anxiety.

August 29: Remember to pray that God would use this step of faith to continue to strengthen our marriage.

August 30: Please pray for safe travel as we fly out today to Guatemala at 6 a.m. today! Pray that our bags arrive at the same time we do!

August 31: Remember us as we experience our first full day in Antigua, Guatemala. Pray that we would adapt quickly!

We can’t wait to share with you how God has answered all 31 of your heartfelt prayers! Thanks!


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