Clay’s Plans

Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 11.27.22 AMBy this time next month, Clay will be boarding a plane headed for the Pacific Northwest. He’s graduating from high school and moving to Seattle.

We’ll miss him desperately but are proud of the young man he has grown to be. He’s fiercely creative, musically talented, always gregarious and very ambitious.

Some of these qualities are behind Clay’s move to Seattle, but there also is a girl that may be a motivation as well. We got to know Clay’s girlfriend, Keeley, while she was serving here in Guatemala for the last six months and can see why he is so taken by her.

We’d love it if you’d pray for Clay as he makes this transition into adulthood while simultaneously making the shift from international living back to life in the US. Both will provide challenges and we look forward to seeing Clay rise to meet each of them head on.

(This post is an excerpt from our June Newsletter, you can read the rest of it here…)


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