New Work

DSC_0027Chuitziyut is a small village of about a dozen houses. There are eighteen students in the two room school house but only one teacher. The school only goes to sixth grade and there is no church in sight. This town seems to have been lost and forgotten.

God, however, knows how to get there and has not forgotten them. He is using the Casa del Redentor staff to bring nutrition and the love of Jesus to this sweet group of people in this tiny town.

Nehemias (Nemo) is leading the charge to serve this town which can only be reached by four-wheel drive vehicles. The plan is to begin with a nutritional feeding program two days a week and then begin to fold in health classes, homework help and address other needs as we discover them.

Although this town is small, their need is great. Please pray for us as we seek God’s direction in moving forward into this “new territory”.

(This post is an excerpt from our June Newsletter, you can read the rest of it here…)


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