There was a death in the family…

Yesterday one of our scholarship student’s grandfather died. We got the call today asking if we could please come over, so Todd, Wendy and I did just that. Somehow I got the message that it was the grandmother who had passed.  So, imagine my surprise when I walked in and there she was, greeting people.

I thought it would just be us and the family. Instead, each of the grandkids’ classes and their teachers came by as a class. Wow!!

The abuelo and abuela lived in a small, three room house made out of a thin sheet metal and the family had taken the sheet metal down to make room for all the people. It was big and open and spacious. The family cooked and as a visitor you are expected to stay and eat.

Each of Alejandra’s siblings hugged us, sat with us and introduced us to their family and friends. We got to offer comfort to the family.

This was a cultural learning experience.

This was a chance to see God working.

This was a privilege.

In what new experiences have you seen God recently?


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