We’re All in this Together

When we decided to move to Guatemala, we decided together as a family. The kids were in on the process. We do not run our family as a democracy, but in this instance, we all gave our input into this new phase of our lives.

We asked God for wisdom and discernment as we took this step. Specifically, we asked that God provide a place where we could work together as a family. His provision does not disappoint.

Recently, we travelled to the Caribbean coast of Guatemala to work alongside some other members of the S4H team. During the course of a few days, Emily painted nails in one village, Clay orchestrated raucous games of Red Light-Green Light in another, and Katey walked kids through a wordless presentation of the gospel.

While the kids were busy in their ministry roles, Maureen served in the dental clinic and I helped a visiting team with a school painiting project. Our individual roles varied greatly during the week, but we were together.

This particular week is a microcosm of our answered prayer. We are growing as individuals, we are serving as a family, and we are seeing God do amazing things both in and through us as we serve.

(This is taken directly from our latest newsletter. For more click the January February Newsletter link on the right…)


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