Photo of the Week

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

This weekend we are dropping our daughter, Katey, off at Wheaton College. We are excited about all that God has in store for this incredibly Godly woman as she enters this new phase of her life.

Pray for her and while you are at it, pray for her parents who are going to be a puddle of tears when they fly out of Chicago O’Hare on Monday morning.

Photos of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.




Photo of the Week

This Photo of the Week could be worth about $3,000 in scholarship money!

Katey is a finalist in a scholarship contest and the final phase of the competition is based on Facebook votes. Click HERE to vote through your Facebook account. Thanks and as they used to say in Chicago: “Vote early and vote often.”

Photos of the Week will show up in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com.  Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.


(Graduation) Photo of the Week

On Tuesday night Katey graduated from high school. She was honored to be able to give the commencement address and began her talk by saying:

“If you would have told me my freshman year that I would be in Guatemala graduating with a class of four, I would not have believed you!”

I think that is a true statement for all of us.

Click here to enjoy her speech and glean from her words of wisdom. It is well worth the 6:23 investment of time. Honestly, we could not be any more proud.


Photo of the Week

This past weekend Forrest and I got to teach Level I of our Inductive Bible Study training to a very receptive and eager group of folks in a church in Barrio de la Cruz.  This is Servants 4 Him living out the tried and true saying: “Give a man a fish, he eats for one day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

Photos of the Week will show up cada semana in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.
