Worship Night

Last Friday’s IDC Youth Group Worship Night at Coffee Shack with Worship Room.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” Psalm 100:4

Jay Ranton

On Sunday we lost one of the good ones. My friend, Jay Ranton, finished his battle with cancer and walked, actually I am sure he ran, completely healed into the arms of Jesus.

Jay was a servant, a guy who could make you laugh, someone who let you know they loved you and a man who made a difference in our world.

We spent many mornings conducting a very scientific search for the best breakfast in Antigua*. The laughter from our table would regularly spill over to other tables. I will miss that.

If you’d like to be a part of the work that Jay and his family started and his wife and their team will continue, click on this link and give joyfully, Jay would have.


*The Snug was a clear frontrunner, but the hunt was far from over. In honor of my friend, I will happily continue the quest.

Go Deep Online

On Tuesday mornings, Maureen gets to colead a Bible Recap DGroup.
Community that goes deep is vital no matter where you live and these connections can be enjoyed in person or online!