
Ramiro is a pastor who trains other pastors. He’s got a heart for kids and serves in a tough place in Guatemala City. He’s also good at making us laugh. We’d love it if you’d take some time to pray for Rami today.

PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.



Deysi is a part of our Reading Program Team in Santiago Zamora. She leads in the preschool class and kids absolutely adore her. We’d love it if you’d take some time to pray for Deysi today.

PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.



Julio serves on our Solóla team in Panajachel. He is a rock star who takes care of our finances and

Julio serves on our RHI Solóla team in Panajachel, Guatemala. He is a rock star who takes care of our finances and teaches in our Reading Program. We’d love it if you’d take some time to pray for him today.

PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.


Retiro de Oración

This week, the RHI team will gather in Chimaltenango for our prayer retreat. We have set aside this time to seek God and to actively listen to His voice in our lives and ministry.

This week, the RHI team will gather in Chimaltenango for our prayer retreat. We have set aside this time to seek God and to actively listen to His voice in our lives and ministry.

PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.
