Living w/Less

Have you ever gone on vacation for a week or two? When we go to the beach, we head straight for the water and each evening we may go out and get a bite to eat. When the whole week is over we have worn less than ½ of the clothes in our suitcase and read or played with less than ½ of the things in our carry on. And as we are headed home, I always wonder, “If I can live on so little, why do I own so much?”

After we arrive at home, within a week or two I think I “need” everything in my home and more stuff that I have not yet bought at Target.

As we prepare to move to Guatemala, there is very little that we can take with us. So we are getting rid of most of our earthly possessions, literally. People have commented about how amazed they are at what we are doing. But I have a confession, it is not that hard, in fact, it is quite freeing. With each item that leaves the house (with the exception of the dog, which was really hard) I thought I’d be sad, but instead I feet freer, lighter, unbound.

Now, obviously, not everyone is going to be called to sell everything and come to Guatemla (although I suspect some of you are and your just fighting it, come on… we can be neighbors) but for the rest of you… what would it look like if you gave away 1 thing a day for a month and except for consumables like food and gas, you bought nothing new? I think you would find that you could live on a lot less and I think you would feel freer.

If you try it, let me know so I can share your story….I need partners in this journey because when we get to Guatemala, the temptation is going to be to run to the Central American version of Target (Hiper Paiz).

