Handel’s Messiah

Please put your hands together and welcome guest blogger, Forrest Kendall:

Carol and I, along with the Erickson family, went to hear Handel’s Messiah tonight (Dec 1, 2010) at Casa Santo Domingo, Antigua, Guatemala. Wow, What a message! One of many scripture references in this classic work is:

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; and they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined” (Is 9:2)

I could not help wonder how many of the folks who are hearing Handel’s “Messiah” this year, those on who the Light hath shined, are still walking in the darkness because, even though the Light has shined and still shines. they fail to see it.

The Light and Saviour of the world has indeed come. And the promise of forgiveness of sin and eternal life is avaiable for all who receive the Light, i.e. the Son/Saviour. Our prayer is that many this Christmas season will step out of the darkness and receive this Great Light into their hearts.

(Forrest Kendall)


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