Today is my son Clay’s 14th birthday and from the outside looking in, Guatemala is not a bad place to celebrate. Sure, there are some drawbacks, but in the final analysis, Guate wins out.
-Clay might not typically have a piñata at a teenage birthday party, but this one was custom made to look like him. Advantage Guate.
-You can only share your party with friends and family through pics your sister posted on Facebook. Advantage USA.
-There were not a lot of teenagers at Clay’s party last night, but in general, adults bring bigger gifts. Advantage Guate.
-There were at least two languages spoken in our home last night and this morning. Advantage Guate.
-Freshly picked blueberries (for the post-party pancake breakfast) are available wherever your birthday falls on the calendar. Clear Advantage Guate.
-One can only talk with grandparents through Skype or phone, but they still send gifts and at least they call. Push.
-On the morning of your actual birthday, you can run around ruins in a colonial Central American city and take pics with your family and friends. Advantage Guate.
-Chuck E. Cheese is not an option as a party locale. Push.
Happy Birthday, Clay. I hope you enjoyed the clear advantages of celebrating it here in Guatemala!