Juan Moises Aguilar

Yesterday, Juan Moises and his wife, Celestina traveled by “chicken bus” to Antigua. They took on this trip from the Lake Atitlan region to meet with Forrest and Carol Kendall and we got to spend some time with them as well.

Juan and Celestina are humble, genuine, deeply spiritual, and ready to change the world. Let me tell you of two projects that you could participate in with Juan:

1. First of all, these two reach out to widows in and around their pueblo. Because of recent mudslides in this record-breaking rainy season, Juan is now carrying the burden of 14 widows who need homes built for them. Most of these women are not alone in their needs, they also have children that they are caring for. Juan is taking on the task of building 14 simple homes for these women. Each home carries a price tag of $2500. Won’t you prayerfully consider how you might participate in this project by giving directly or by being a part of a team and coming down here to help Juan with the actual labor.

2. Secondly, Juan is not only a native Guatemalan, he is also a missionary. Juan’s current mission field is to a village in Nicaragua called Rama. Once in Nicaragua, it takes Juan two and a half days by boat up a river to get to the people of this village. The people he is reaching out to speak an indigenous language and are difficult to reach by typical North American missionaries. Juan speaks an indigenous language here in Guatemala and this commonality gives him an entré into the lives of the people of Rama. In 2011, Juan hopes to spend about 8 weeks reaching out to Rama and he needs your help to get there. Please consider encouraging my friend Juan by helping to sponsor his ministry in Nicaragua. Click here if God is leading you to help Juan in his ministry. This simple investment will yield eternal dividends.

You can also friend Juan on Facebook here.

Thanks for letting me introduce you to one of my new friends.



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