30 Ways to Pray for Us

  1. Pray for us to stay focused on God and His plans above all else. Matthew 6:33


  1. Pray for us to spend much time in the Word, and ask God to give us discernment. II Timothy 2:15


  1. Pray for us to regularly seek examination by God, and to repent form any sins that have crept into our lives. Psalm 139:23-24


  1. Pray for us to have a spirit of humility and to willingly ask God for wisdom in carrying out our work. James 1:5


  1. Pray for us to be so renewed by God’s Word that no sin will have dominion over us. Psalm 119:133


  1. Pray for boldness in our reaching out and preaching. Ephesians 6:19


  1. Ask God to help us recognize our need for weekly rest away from ministry responsibilities. Mark 6:31


  1. Pray for us to stay focused on the gospel and not be distracted by issues of the day. II Timothy 1:13-14


  1. Ask God to empower us to point people to Jesus and not seek undue recognition for ourselves. Matthew 5:16


  1. Pray for us to model a life of dependence on God. Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Ask God to give us the grace to know how to respond to each person. Colossians 4:6


  1. Pray for a spirit of unity as we work together, and with other ministry partners. Romans 15:5


  1. Pray for us to be quick to take the escape God provides when temptation sneaks up on us. I Corinthians 10:13


  1. Pray for us to take personal prayer retreats to get our direction from Him. Isaiah 50:4


  1. Pray for us to stand firm under affliction and to look forward to eternal glory. II Corinthians 4:17


  1. Ask God to help us protect our time for prayer and personal meditation in God’s Word. Acts 6:4


  1. Pray for us to maintain our devotion to Jesus. II Corinthians 11:3


  1. Ask God to teach us to hear His voice and follow Him. John 10:4


  1. Pray for us to be quick to give God the credit. II Corinthians 10:17


  1. Pray for us to get our direction from the Lord only. Isaiah 48:17


  1. Pray for us to give all our anxious thoughts to God, and rest in His peace. Philippians 4:6-7


  1. Pray for us to enlist personal prayer support and ask God to call faithful intercessors to respond. Acts 12:5


  1. Pray for our marriage to be strong and healthy. I Peter 3:7


  1. Ask God to give us eyes to see as He sees and empower us to love the unlovely, the rejected, and the outcasts, as Jesus did. I Samuel 16:7


  1. Pray for us to model loving God completely and others as ourselves. Mark 12:30-31


  1. Ask God to give us a hunger and thirst for Him and His word. Hebrews 5:14


  1. Pray for endurance, stamina, and pacing for us to insure long-term, fruitful ministry. Philippians 3:14


  1. Ask God to build strong teams around us working together so that He gets the glory. I Corinthians 3:7-9


  1. Pray for us to love and obey God, and be known for our dependability to obey regardless of outside pressure. John 14:15


  1. Ask God to empower us to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. Romans 12:1-2

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