We often joke that the best way to find Chuitziyut is to go to the end of the Earth and then go back about 100 yards. This tiny-10-15 house-town sits on the edge of a huge valley at the end of a rutted-out mountain road. RHI has been invited in to help this town with a serious malnutrition problem. Our nutrition program coupled with our lunch-time devotions has helped to feed this community both physically and spiritually. The politics of a tiny town in Guatemala, however, are more complicated than you would think and this has led to us not currently serving here. The majority of the town leadership want us back and we want to go back; but first the powers-that-be need to come to an agreement. Will you pray that God will reopen the door to this village and allow us to represent Him as we serve? (Colossians 4:3). Thanks!
Photos of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.