Should I pack the Presta Valve Adaptor?

In our married life we have moved a grand total of 9 times. With each move we have thrown away and purged and moved less stuff to the new place. We’ve not enjoyed these moves, more accurately, we survived these moves.

The move we are in the throes of right now is the biggest, baddest and most complicated of all. We don’t get to simply decide “keep or throw away?” We need to decide
1. Keep or throw away, then
2. Store or take to Guatemala, then
3. Ship or take on the plane. Phew!

So, sitting on my desk right now is a Presta Valve for a bike pump. It is less than an inch tall but still goes through this same decision-making process. I’ll keep, take and fly and am not all that confident that I’ll be doing a bunch of riding over the next few years but if I do and I need this small valve, I’ll probably be able to find it in a footlocker somewhere!


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