God is in the details…

I’ve worn Clinique makeup since I was 18 years old. Yes, I had a stint wearing Mary Kay and yes, I’ve bought a thing or two at CVS, but when it really comes down to it, I consider myself a Clinque girl. I spread out what I need so I am never spending a lot of money at the same time and when I would get mall gift certificates from students they were spent at the Macy’s Clinique counter.

So as I consider moving to Guatemala, and as I realize that I am out of eye makeup remover or my lipstick is almost gone, I start to panic. You may think it shallow of me, but hear me out. I realize that they will probably have replacements for what I am used to in Guatemala but at a time when my life is full of unknowns, running out of Clinique moisturizer just won’t do.

So, I decided to go to Macy’s and buy everything I think I’ll need for 3-6 months. Todd found this to be crazy and unnecessary and I appreciate that, but I told him, it was a security thing for me. I am sure that after I feel settled, I will be able to make do, and the brand just won’t matter but I didn’t want running out of blush the first month we were there to be the thing that pushed me over the edge.

So, I went to Macy’s and I started to load up. I felt like I needed to explain my duplicate purchases, so I started to tell the nice sales lady about my move to Guatemala. I barely got it out before she started beaming, telling me she used to be a missionary in the Philippians.

We stood and talked deeply about the Lord for a good 15 minutes and then went back to the sales transaction. She was just about to start to ring my order up when she said, “I have to tell you something. I wouldn’t normally tell this to a customer but I know I can tell you. My regional sales manager is here today and I really needed a sale, so about 5 minutes before you walked in I prayed and asked God to send me a sale and here you are.”

So there we were. Me, buying more than I had bought at one time, ever and satisfying my shallow sense of security and her getting a sale while her manager was there. But really I got so much more. I got a sense that God did care about what was important to me. I got an amazing, encouraging conversation about the Lord. I got the joy of knowing that my sale was the answer to her prayer. What I really got was the sense that God is in everything and can be found everywhere, even on both sides of the Clinique counter. Oh yeah, and she threw in a free gift. -Maureen

The editors of this blog do not own stock in Clinque nor do they get any financial compensation for the products mentioned in this blog post.


2 thoughts on “God is in the details…

  1. By the way, if Clinique reads this and wants to be a part of the Mission Erickson support team, we would welcome them with open arms and clean pores.

  2. Mo – I will be glad to pick up refills for you when I come down to visit. You are always an answer to prayer!

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