The Count Keeps Rising

I’m not a particularly huge hymn fan but there are a few classic stanzas that have been permanently embedded in my brain, here is one of those: Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God hath done!

I started counting a few of those blessings today and am amazed at the way God is blessing us. Selling our home has the potential to bring us some major stress but God has decided to relieve us of some of that stress. Our realtors are generously offering to pass on their commission to help our new ministry, our a/c guy is doing his work pro bono and if there is any work that needs to be done after the home inspection, a local builder has offered his services gratis. How cool is that?! The blessing count just keeps rising.

We’re grateful to those whom God uses to show us His blessings. Thanks.

PS: Our house currently has a contingency contract on it. The young family who is interested needs to sell their townhouse in Leesburg first. Please pray that their house would sell quickly!


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