Restoration & Renewal

Screen Shot 2015-08-15 at 10.06.52 AMSabbatical (n.): an extended, directed period of time granted to the missionary to disengage from work/ministry responsibilities for a specific purpose: to experience deep rest for the restoration and renewal of the soul.

After serving here in Guatemala for five years, it is time for us to step back and engage in a mini sabbatical. So with books to read, journals to fill, counselors with whom to meet, and a God who is relentlessly pursuing us, Maureen, Emily and I will be spending the first three weeks of September unplugging at a friend’s house in St. Augustine, Florida.

We love Guatemala, we love our ministry with Redeemer’s House and we love each other. Therefore, we are taking some time away from ministry to refocus, recharge and restore.

“A well cared for soul is the most important gift we can bring to our marriage, our family, our ministry and the kingdom of God.” -Jim Van Metre

If you are interested in more on missionary sabbaticals, click HERE.


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