Lunes a Viernes

Our week began with an all day dental clinic that brought relief (and a little bit of pain) to our friends in Santiago Zamora. Today the week ends with a church planting conference that we get to be a part of along with members of our Casa del Redentor team. God is continuing to expand our vision together!

Our week began with an all day dental clinic that brought relief (and a little bit of pain) to our friends in Santiago Zamora…

Today the week ends with a church planting conference that we get to be a part of along with members of our Casa del Redentor team. God is continuing to expand our vision together!

…and today the week ends with a church planting conference that we get to be a part of along with members of our Casa del Redentor team. This week is an excellent example of how we are working hard to meet local needs while discerning God’s call as to where He is going to use our team next…

PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.


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