Intern Find

See if you can find the five Redeemer's House, Antigua interns in this photo. Extra points if you identify the one Summer-long intern! (Answer Key Below).

See if you can find all five of the Redeemer’s House, Antigua interns in this photo. Extra points if you correctly identify our one Summer-long intern! (Answer Key Below).

Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMPhotos of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.

Answer Key: (L-R) Lauren Palmer, Summer Intern from Ashburn, VA, and our four month-long interns: Blair Nagell, Mclean, VA, Emily Mooney, Sterling, VA, Rachel Simmons, Ashburn, VA and Jake Weaver, Santa Maria, CA.

Answer Key: (L-R) Lauren Palmer, our Summer Intern from Ashburn, VA. Followed by our four month-long interns: Blair Nagell, Mclean, VA, Emily Mooney, Sterling, VA, Rachel Simmons, Ashburn, VA and Jake Weaver, Santa Maria, CA. We are thrilled to have this dream team serving with us this summer!


1 thought on “Intern Find

  1. Hello to all the interns… 🙂
    A friend of Lauren’s. So glad you all are having a great time in the kingdom, loving on the kids &all you encounter. We continue to pray for you all, love, Celine 🙂

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