A Family Affair

Emily is just one of our three examples of a kid who is outshining her parents in both ministry and spiritual maturity.

Emily is just one of our three examples of a kid who is outshining her parents in both ministry and spiritual maturity.

We enjoy being at this place where our kids (20, 17 and 13) are serving right alongside of us in ministry. They not only complement our ministry, they complete it.

Katey is studying Spanish and Christian Education at Wheaton College so that she can return to serve here in Guatemala. Clay is continuing to grow in his musical talents and leadership capacity and is a great benefit to both our local bilingual church as well as our work with Redeemer’s House. And Emily, pictured above, has a compassionate heart and a winsome personality that God uses to develop friendships.

We fully realize this may be just for a season, but for now we are thoroughly enjoying this life and ministry together.


PhotoScreen Shot 2014-01-30 at 12.18.39 PMs of the Week will show up every week in our Friday posts on Mission Erickson dot com. Our hope is that each weekly POTW helps you to better connect with our ministry in Guatemala. Enjoy.





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